Sunday, June 12, 2011


So, this week Lydia went in heat. I didn't know that female dogs got a real period when in heat. Disturbingly enough, I had to buy Lydia a diaper and a pad. GROSS. I never thought at 19 I'd be changing diapers!

We noticed Lydia was acting funny and called the vet to understand the symptoms a dog would display when she went in heat. The vet described Lydia would mount and hump things, as well as back up into things. She would have a swollen vulva and would begin to bleed later during the process.

For weeks she displayed the first symptoms, but then the blood came. I literally almost threw up when it all happened. It was 12 at night and my roommate and I had no idea what to do. We used a brand new pair of underwear we had just bought, pinned it to fit, and stuck a maxi pad in it to keep everything clean until morning,

The next morning we went into Pet Supermarket on Fowler, which I have come to find has very cheap pet items compared to other Pet Stores. It took me an hour to decide which diaper to buy her. My boyfriend thought the cute ones were creepy, because they looked like Victoria's Secret underwear, and I kind of agree with him. However, we decided she would probably try to throw away the disposable diapers.

We finally made a decison and proceeded to check out with the cloth diapers and go home. We put Lydia in the diapers and then realized our next problem. How would she pee? Well, we then found out, she'd pee in the diaper. I had to hand wash and blow dry the diaper three times that day. My advice to others with a dog in heat, BUY CLOTH DIAPERS.

Lydia surprisingly only bled for a few days, but is still technically in heat. She did seemingly experience discomfort and irritation when bleeding. I am still deciding on getting her fixed or not. I will explore that in a later post.

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