Sunday, June 5, 2011

Life Before all the Shit Happened

Before I got Lydia, life was so much cleaner. I didn't step in piles of poop a couple times a month and I didn't get to experience the soothing smell of dog piss.

Every morning I used to wake up and make breakfast. I used to walk all the way to the kitchen and back without finding piles of poop everywhere or finding that what I was going to make for breakfast had already been violently eaten and slung across the floor.

I remember when I could take a shower without hearing the piercing sound of dog cries coming from my bedroom. I also remember when I didn't spend all of my money on beggin' strips and piddle pads. I remember when I wasn't woken up every morning to dog barking 3 hours before my alarm was scheduled to sound. I remember when I was only responsible for myself, and not a tiny fire ball of fluff.

However, more importantly, I remember the first day I got Lydia and how happy I was to have her. I remember life before all the shit happened, and I don't like it one bit.

1 comment:

  1. This post hit home with me, I do indeed miss my furry friend but I do NOT miss the lovely "gifts" he left behind for me on occasion. It might be a little late for you to try this now but in an effort to potty train my pom I used crate training. He was already used to living in one before I got him so he didn't wine too much but he spent every night in the crate and it took about a month for him to completely stop "going" in the crate. He started to realize that he would have to sleep in it all night and wait for me to get up to be released. I never had any problems with him whining or barking while he was in it and he only made a noise (whimper) if I slept too late and he reeeeally had to go.
    It seems as though Lydia might be a bit more vocal than Titan was, so like I said this may be hard for you to start now, but it does eliminate you having to worry about the mess you will wake up to every morning.
